Browsing All Posts by

Valerie Kolligian Thayer


Pumpkin Bread

By On October 19, 2023

In challenging times, I find comfort in small tasks that yield positive results.  Baking falls into that category and while this post isn’t going to change your life, I will ask you… Read More


Shrimp and Farro Salad with Blistered Tomatoes

By On June 15, 2023

It’s me, hi, I’m the problem it’s me 🙂 Wow.  It has been a hot minute (or more like 80K to be exact) since I have been in touch with you all… Read More


Peanut Satay Noodle Soup

By On April 20, 2023

Hopefully by the time you are reading this, the weather will have warmed up again here in the Northeast.  We had a brief flash of summer weather recently which had some turning… Read More


Easter Weekend Menu Ideas

By On April 6, 2023

Over the past nine years of blogging here on The Kitchen Scout, I’m sure at some point I told you how much I adored Easter as a child.  I still do!  Especially… Read More


Sicily Part Two

By On March 16, 2023

Over the past few weeks, I have had three separate inquiries about travel to Sicily, so clearly it is the hot spot du jour!  And just in time, I have loaded in… Read More


Sweet Potato and Bulgur Wheat Kufta

By On March 2, 2023

Growing up, my grandmother would make a dish called kufta which you may be more familiar with if I refer to it as kibbeh.  The kufta that my family enjoyed could best… Read More

Dining & Reviews


By On February 16, 2023

A few weeks back, my husband and I met up with our dear friends Maral and Mark for dinner at relative newcomer to the Cambridge dining scene, Moeca.  Funny enough, years ago… Read More

Annual Wrap Ups

It’s a Wrap, 2022!

By On December 29, 2022

As I write the words, “It’s a Wrap” to name this last blog post of the year, it is a reminder of how quickly time flies. 2022 was a good year.  We… Read More


Pomegranate Cosmopolitans

By On December 22, 2022

Because it’s always 5:00 somewhere, this week’s recipe is Ina’s Pomegranate Cosmopolitans that I have been making for quite some time.  She first published the recipe in 2006 and demonstrated in this… Read More


Sicily Part One

By On December 15, 2022

Now that Season Two of White Lotus, filmed in beautiful Sicily has finished entertaining some of us, I thought it might be a good time to share our recent experience on the… Read More


Ginger Molasses Blondies

By On December 1, 2022

Chocolate has always received a lot of attention on the blog.  I can’t help it – I adore it as I’ve mentioned so many times before. Have I ever mentioned, though that… Read More

Dining & Reviews

Faccia a Faccia

By On November 10, 2022

Well, it has been a hot minute, truly about a month since I last posted here on the The Kitchen Scout.  Life has been hectic and it seems as though we’ve been… Read More